2025年2月9日上午,姜堰经济开发区召开2025年工业经济暨项目建设大会,扬电科技董事长程俊明受邀出席会议。 大会对2024年度全区先进企业进行了表彰,扬电科技凭借卓越的经济贡献和创新能力,荣获开发区“开票销售特别贡献奖”、“财政贡献奖”、“安全生产和环境保护先进单位”、“亩均瞪羚奖”。这些荣誉不仅是对扬电科技过去一年成绩的肯定,更是对公司未来发展潜力的高度认可。 作为开发区重点企业,扬电科技始终以推动区域经济发展为己任,通过持续的技术创新和产业升级,不仅提升了自身竞争力,还助力了区域经济高质量发展。扬电科技将继续秉持“质量为先、信誉为重、管理为本
READ MOREJiangsu Yangdian Technology Co., Ltd.(Stock code: 301012) is dedicated to the innovation and promotion of the magnetic materials(amorphous alloy, silicon steel) in the application field of distribution transformer,which is also a professional energy-saving electrical manufacturer of research、develop
READ MOREon July 4, 2017, raises moves the specialized fire fighters to be please related to the company the personnel to carry on related fire knowledge training......
READ MOREJiangsu Yangdian Technology Co., Ltd.(Stock code: 301012) is dedicated to the innovation and promotion of the magnetic materials(amorphous alloy, silicon steel) in the application field of distribution transformer,which is also a professional energy-saving electrical manufacturer of research、develop